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Hi, welcome to my projects page. I have several projects including full-stack website, IOS App, Unity game, video analysis tool, graphics processing with openGL, etc. I have great passion and interest to get in touch with different fields of Computer Science and willing to explore new branches.

Yelp Business Search website

A web application that allows you to search for business information using the Yelp API, and the results will be displayed in a card and tabular format. It also allows users to make reservations and see the list of their reservations. Also, users can share a post on Facebook and tweet on Twitter about the business.


Yelp Business Search IOS APP

An ios App of yelp business including keywords input auto-completion, restaurants search nearby, restaurants reservation using Swift language for Model-View-Controller design pattern.

Trojan Jump

Desgined the doodle jump game based on color matching by C# and Unity with more than 1k plays and views. Implemented more than 10 game mechanisms and 20 game levels and worked with designer to publish it to unity online.

Movie Scene Classification

Arrive at this logical index or table of contents in an automated manner given a video with audio as input.

Once the index or table of contents is extracted, you want to show it in an interactive player setup where you can jump to any index to browse the video/audio and change it interactively allowing interactive exploration.

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